Friday, March 22, 2013

Am loving


Justin Timberlake:::: Don't hold the wall

So amazing.

Alt- J:::: Dissolve me

Pure ecstasy....



The Killing 2 by David Hewson is simply one of the best book i have read for a long time. I can now say i basically live for his books. MORE!!!

Haven't read any other good books lately, too busy and the rest too trite to talk about.


Salad stop Tuna san full stop

oh and salted egg sotong.


Oh forget it...

That said, i am looking forward for Beyond two souls. Might be the only game i will play this year. Haven't even started on Resident Evil 6. That is a record. :(


Tamako Market for the win woot

Cant wait for the spring season.


End of April. End of April. End of April. End of April.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hmm moment

Interestingly, i am a Isfj.
On the hindsight, not very surprising. Reading through the descriptions, i realized it sounds somewhat like me. Dammit.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cant wait for Raffles to be over

This raffles pushcart is soul draining, cant awfully wait for April to end.