Monday, January 30, 2012

burger king@amk hub

worse fast food i ate

it is incredibly inefficient. there is only one counter to order, and one counter to collect food from. the employees look frazzled and stressed.

as you queue you pass a viewing gallery where you watch them make your burger. big mistake here. they arent making gourmet food here. watching them slide out the compartments to take out the meat patties and squashing cabbage to plunk on the burgers make me think of a food factory. that doesn't make my burger more appetising to say the least. and honestly, the burgers look real ugly here.

i ordered my swiss mushroom chicken grill and it was really salty. the onion rings was salty. i can't taste anything but salt in anything. i always thought burger king's better than macdonalds, so what happened?

but i really like their decor. laminated wood tables and counters, homely cozy atmosphere. maybe it's just teething pain for now.

* the stomach flu is not stopping me!

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